Scientific article the importance of the games in the education of the mathematics. Camila Azevedo Rasp Summary This article has as objective to show as games are of great importance for the education and the learning of the education of the mathematics. In the construtivista theory, the pupil learns from its proper errors, what he stimulates the same, to think about the consequncias of its attitudes, facilitating the construction of its proper concepts. Through the game, it he perceives that to make a mistake he is part of the appropriation of knowledge. Learning – games mathematical Introduction Culturally the mathematics is seen by the students of negative, difficult, desestimulante form. What it can be a destorcida vision of what really this area of education presents. The mathematical educators, must look alternatives to increase the motivation in the learning, to develop the autoconfiana and to awake the interest of the pupils for disciplines. To teach mathematics is to develop the logical reasoning, to stimulate the independent thought, creativity and the capacity to decide problems.
This proposal is based on the construtivista learning idealized by Piaget, having as basic principle that the knowledge if constructs from the actions of the citizen, that is, the knowledge is constructed from perceptions and action of the pupils in its environment. Development the games, if conveniently planned, are efficient pedagogical resources for the construction of the mathematical knowledge, a time that stimulate the development and despertam the interest of the pupils. As Vygotsky through the toy the child learns to act in a cognitivista sphere, being free to determine its proper action. It affirms that the toy stimulates the curiosity and the autoconfiana, providing development of the language, the thought, the concentration and the attention. The Mathematics becomes present in diverse activities carried through for the children and in general offers to the men some situations that make possible the development of the reasoning logical, of the creativity and the capacity to decide problems.