The Persians
The actors of the theater place masks in the presentations of the teatrais parts. The Greek theater was divided in comedy and tragedy. The comedy had quarrels that they generated around the problems and of the man as destination and justice. Already the comedy satiriza the customs, the human behavior and the society in itself. During spectacle can dance and sing. had competition to see the best part. The teatrlogos that had been more distinguished were creative Squirrel of the sort tragedy with its workmanships: The Persians, seven against Tebas and chained Prometheus; the Sfocles that wrote the great classics as dipo King, Antgona and Electra; Aristfanes was a great comedian and wrote the wasps, the clouds, the frogs and Eurpides that produced Mediates, the troianas, the bacantes, etc.
4) Arts the Greeks in the fields of the arts had been notables mainly in the architecture and sculpture. Also they had been distinguished in the painting in ceramics. The workmanships valued the humanismo, nationalism, simplicity, balance, harmony and the order. 5) Architecture In the architecture if had detached Ictinos and Calcrates, creators of the Partenon. Main styles architectural jnio, drio and the corintio.
In the architecture biggest prominence was Fdias author of the statue of the Atena goddess that existed in the Partenon and Miron author of discbolo. The drica architecture, was simplest, the jnica one was lighter harmonious that first, the third corntia one was well more searched carefully of what the previous ones. 6) Painting in ceramics the paintings had celebrities mitolgicas scenes that had been preserved until today, had some that they represented to the nature, esportivas activities and scenes of the daily life that decorated the ceramics vases. 7) Philosophy and Science the word philosophy comes of the Greek who wants to say children of the wisdom or love for the wisdom. The philosophical chains of the Greeks influence until today.