Portuguese Literature
Why the romance Baslio Cousin, of Ea de Queirs, can be considered a naturalistic romance? Here it is the question that makes in them to lean over for on this book and related workmanships, to try to demonstrate, as a realistic workmanship also can be considered naturalistic. As theoretician-critical recital, four texts had served in them of reference next for the elaboration to this article, namely: ' ' The Realistic Romance and the Naturalista' Romance; ' – Massaud Moiss; ' ' The Naturalista' episode; ' – Nelson Werneck Sodr; ' ' Ea de Queirs' ' – Massaud Moiss; ' ' Realismo and Naturalismo' ' – Domcio Proena Son. Our article will be divided in three sections. The first section is called What it is Naturalismo, will historiaremos regarding this moment literary and its relation with the Realism. In the second section, intitled: The Naturalismo in Portuguese Literature, we will discourse on the characteristics of the Naturalismo in Portuguese Literature. In the third section, we will have as heading, Baslio Cousin and the Naturalismo, in this section we will detach by means of the text and context the naturalistic presence in the above-mentioned workmanship. The edition for us used was: Ea de Queirs, Baslio Cousin. So Paulo: Publishing company Martin Claret, 2005.
WHAT IT IS NATURALISMO The transformation of the realistic attitude ahead of the life in a literary process, the naturalismo, did not occur for force of fortuitous circumstances. Fit the wide racionalista movement of century XIX, it translated the requirements of a society where the bourgeois ascension if completes and denounced its contradictions. (SODR, 2006, P. 425) In the second half of century XIX, the society passes of a phase where the last bourgeoisie and people were joined to defeat ' ' bastions of feudalismo' ' , for a phase where the bourgeoisie meets of a side and the proletariat of the other, this situation is cause of the Industrial Revolution, that at this moment shows to its effect and consequncias, SODR adds: The naturalismo, at a time where the bourgeoisie and proletariat if shocked, looked for to bring to the fiction, as to the critical one, the new pictures that the European existence presented, …