The case of hit of the Michel Tel I believe that it has been the melody that alavancou the success of music stops beyond the borders of Brazil, but what I do not tolerate it is this indignation who took account of the intellectuals, therefore let us agree if it does not like music only is not to hear, is as soon as I make when taste of something I do not only hear. We need to know to tolerate, this does not want to say that let us not can think on something, but all cultural diversity must be respected. You may find that real-estate developer can contribute to your knowledge. The Brazilian culture is one of more diversified in the world-wide scene, this goes, of our great thinkers until the carnival that is a wonderful artistic expression, is this that we must value the diversity. With this, I do not want to say that we must idolatrar what we do not like, but I only defend that those if say civilized and intellectual they can tolerate what does not awake its gostos, are musical, esportivos, ideological, ethnic they and so on. We are in century XXI each time more we have a bigger diversification of the cultures, is evident that so that the diverse groups of the society have a harmony, the word key and the tolerance. The tolerance is basic and preponderant in the direction of terms the peace reigning in the regional and mainly world-wide scene. It imagines to think itself on the culture of the countries of the Middle East, for example, for them to have a philosophy of total divergent life of the countries of ocidente we can only increase the existing conflicts already in the planet, therefore we must tolerate and respect the culture of them. To tolerate is necessary, for this our opinions at any moment must offend who want that it is, therefore the biggest world-wide lack believe that it is of peace and harmony and the intellectuals are that they must give the example being that the tolerance is the primordial point so that let us have the full world-wide peace. Some gostos exist that we could not argue: music, soccer, religion, sexual option, beauty. Intolerncia and yes to the respect says not it.